What is Electras Corporate Social Responsibility Policy?
In carrying out its activities and in its relationships with the community, Electra aims to conduct itself responsibly, ethically and fairly. Electra has no employees and the Board is comprised entirely of Non-executive Directors. As an investment trust, Electra has no direct impact on the environment. However, the Company believes that it is in the
shareholders interests to consider environmental, social and ethical factors when selecting and retaining investments.
Electra believes that high standards of corporate social responsibility (CSR) make good business sense and have the potential to protect and enhance investment returns. Consequently, the investment process takes social, environmental and ethical issues into account when, in Electra Partners view, these have a material impact on either investment risk or return.
Electra recognises and supports the view that social, environmental and ethical best practice should be encouraged. It favours investing in companies committed to high standards of CSR and to the principles of sustainable development.