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Electra Private Equity

/ News / Latest and Archive

29/12/2010Convertible Bond - Blocklisting Application
23/12/2010Convertible Bond - Results of General Meeting
22/12/2010Convertible Bond - Resuts of Placing and Open Offer
30/11/2010Convertible Bond - Results of Placing
30/11/2010Audited Results for the Year Ended 30 September 2010
30/11/2010Placing and Open Offer of up to £100 million Aggregate Principal Amount of Subordinated Convertible Bonds
30/11/2010Audited Resuts for the Year Ended 30 September 2010
16/11/2010Electra sells Rio Trens Corporation
10/11/2010Major Interest in Shares - Witan Investment Trust plc
18/10/2010Board Appointment
24/08/2010Major Interest in Shares - Asset Value Investors Ltd
19/08/2010Major Interest in Shares - Witan Investment Trust plc
19/08/2010Major Interest in Shares - British Empire Securities and General Trust PLC
29/07/2010Interim Management Statement for the three month period to 30 June 2010
15/06/2010Notification of Transaction of Director
09/06/2010Notification of Transaction of Director
08/06/2010Half Year Report for the Six Months Ended 31 March 2010
25/05/2010Notification of Board changes and Directors' details
25/05/2010Announcement of Unaudited Half Year Results for the six months ended 31 March 2010
05/05/2010Major Interest in Shares - British Empire Securities and General Trust PLC
05/02/2010Special Resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting on 2 February 2010
02/02/2010Annual General Meeting - Results
02/02/2010Major Interest in Shares - British Empire Securities and General Trust PLC
02/02/2010Interim Management Statement for the three month period to 31 December 2009
28/01/2010Notification of Board changes and Directors’ details
21/01/2010Annual Information Update - Electra Private Equity PLC
14/01/2010Major Interest in Shares - Rensburg Sheppards Investment Management Limited


Blocklisting Application
29 December 2010

Application has been made to the UK Listing Authority and the London Stock Exchange for a block listing of 4,878,048 ordinary shares of 25 pence each in the share capital of the Company. This block listing relates to the ordinary shares which may be allotted from time to time pursuant to the exercise of conversion rights in accordance with the terms of the Company's 5% Subordinated Convertible Bonds due 2017. Such ordinary shares will, on (or as soon as possible after) the issue or transfer and delivery thereof, trade on the London Stock Exchange and be admitted to the Official List and will, from registration thereof in the name of the relevant converting bondholder, rank equally with the existing issued ordinary shares of the Company. Approval of the blocklisting application is expected on 30 December 2010.


J.P. Morgan Cazenove
Michael Wentworth-Stanley/William Simmonds
Tel: 020 7588 2828