About Electra
Electra Private Equity PLC ("Electra") is an investment trust quoted on the London Stock Exchange.
Electra has specialised in private equity for over 25 years, achieving investment returns ahead of the FTSE 250 Index.
Our objective
Electra’s investment objective is to follow a realisation strategy which aims to crystallise value for shareholders, through balancing the timing of returning cash to shareholders with maximisation of value.
As at 31 March 2020, Electra had net assets of £143 million and a net asset value per share of 373p.
The Manager
Electra has appointed G10 Capital Limited ("G10") as its alternative investment fund manager or “AIFM". G10 is a private limited company incorporated in England (company number 09224491), whose registered office is at:
4th Floor,
3 More London Riverside,
G10 is authorised and regulated by the FCA with firm reference number 648953. G10 is part of the IQ-EQ Group.
Strategic review
On 4 October 2018, the Board announced the outcome of the third phase of its strategic review. The Board announced that it considered that each of the remaining corporate investments represented an opportunity for value creation within an acceptable timeframe but had decided that the concentration of the portfolio and the structural inefficiency in reinvesting in a listed private equity vehicle with a significant market discount to NAV made it inappropriate to seek to do this within the existing investment objective and policy of the Company. The Board therefore concluded, and recommended, that it is in the best interests of shareholders to conduct a managed wind-down of the portfolio over a period of time, allowing optimisation of returns, the return of cash to shareholders, and ultimately the winding up of the Company.
Please visit the Investment Policy page for further details of Electra's investment strategy.
In this section
Board of Directors


Investment policy